Some of you know that Tim and I rescued a black lab on October 10th and have been trying to find his owner. After almost two weeks of placing ads, phone calls and flyers I decided that I had to place him for adoption. But much to our surprise the day after picking up "the dog formerly known as Cornbread", I received an email from one of our very first clients asking if we would still be their pet sitter if they got another dog? They wanted to rescue a dog! All of our prayers were answered that day and we didn't even know it until October 21! Dudley actually met his brother on October 20th. Ann called on the 20th to say they wanted to provide a "forever home" for Shadow! He has been there 2 nights now and doing just fine. Ann said that he follows she, Bob and Dudley wherever they go - thus the name Shadow. This is a match made in Helena!
Thanks so much to Ann, Bob, Abita and Dudley for sharing their home with this special pup! It warms my heart to say the very least to know that he will be well taken care of and that Dudley will have someone to play with for now on.