About Us...
- Trish and Tim Belue
- Get Away Petsitters was formed in 2002 by Trish and Tim Belue to help other pet owners get away without the guilt and worry of leaving their pets at home. Also it is our way of getting our “fix” without adopting anymore pets. Our pack includes two dogs, Jack and Forest, two cats, Spice and Moey, and one “catdog”, our latest rescue, Miller. Get Away Petsitters provides professional pet sitting services in areas of Hoover, Pelham and Helena.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Dog Gone It!
Today while at work I saw two black & whites come through the parking lot. I vowed I would not get involved; but I did. I ran out and found the two - dogs. Both dogs had collars on but no tags. What is wrong with pet owners that put collars on their pets but no identification???? I picked these two up and gave them lots of dog bones and cat treats - all I had in the car. I called Hoover Animal Control and the officers told me they had been trying to catch these two all morning on the interstate! I got lucky and caught them in Southlake. These two are now at the Vestavia Animal Clinic being checked out. I assume they ran away during the storm the past weekend. Both are sweet and love each other very much. I am so glad they stayed together. I can only hope that someone would do the same for mine.